

Welcome to Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay

By making a gift in your will you can leave a lasting legacy, helping ensure Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay continues the work of the last 60 years.


Our vision is for a life fully lived, enabling people with intellectual disabilities to live happy, meaningful, and creative lives.

Our Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay Homes

Build new houses and facilities

Hōhepa Hawke's Bay Health & Therapies

Fund Hōhepa Hawke's Bay services

Hōhepa Hawke's Bay Cheese & Dairy

Create meaningful work opportunities

Hōhepa Hawke's Bay

Host whole community events

Neil Kirton - Business Partnership & Marketing Manager

If you want to support Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay, please contact us.


Neil Kirton

Business Partnership & Marketing Manager





027 286 6200

“We support people to live life to the full. From children through to adults, we create safe places to live, strong bonds to grow and real opportunities for people to reach their potential.”

Santiago de Marco - General Manager, Hōhepa Hawke's Bay