Ngā whainga me ngā wāriu

Our Vision, Mission & Values

Our Hōhepa Hawke's Bay Values

Everything we do at Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay is underpinned by our vision, our mission and our values.

Our Vision: Every Life Fully Lived


Our Mission: Supportive communities inspired by anthroposophy which celebrate the diverse ways of being human.


Our Values are: Whakamana, Community, Sustainability and Subsidiarity

Our Hōhepa Hawke's Bay Values

Empowerment - Whakamana

Empowering and giving strength to individuals while acting with integrity.
Hōhepa Hawke's Bay

Community - Hapori

A place of belonging where everyone is treated with courtesy and respect.
Our Hōhepa Hawke's Bay Values

Sustainability - Toitū

Taking a holistic approach to recognising ecological, social, and economic dimensions.
Work with Hōhepa Hawke's Bay

Subsidiarity - Waiho Iho

Ensuring that functions are performed by the people closer to the issues or problem.

"We take our work very seriously. We strive to develop an inclusive culture of care, of self-awareness & reflection, of interconnectedness & outreach, of responsibility & accountability, of gratitude & appreciation, and overall a culture of magnanimity, generosity, and abundance."

Santiago De Marco - CEO, Hōhepa Hawkes Bay