Mahi aroha o wharerangi

At Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay we welcome volunteers – from people in the community willing to volunteer their time and from our partnerships with international agencies.

Could you make a commitment to voluntary work here at Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay?
This may be for a regular time each week, or a one-off project – assisting in our craft workshops, spending time with people we support, working in the plant nursery, helping out with cultural events and drama productions.
In exchange, we can offer opportunities for training and development, the chance to work alongside an enthusiastic team, a sense of belonging and community with others, and recognition and celebration of your contribution to Hōhepa Hawke’s Bay.
To express interest in volunteer opportunities or for more information, please contact Francesca Dalli-Niven, Recruitment and HR Manager, on 027 265 4697 or email